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Insurance Made Simple

Because protecting those you love should make sense!


There are 3 simple options:

Temporary life

Often the most affordable option, TERM LIFE protects you for a specific period of time (usually 20-30 years) while you're in your prime earning year.

permanent life

Whether a WHOLE LIFE or IUL - these policies last your entire life even if you live to 120. They may even accrue cash value you can use while you're alive.


From Critical Illness to disability - supplemental policies pay out at DIAGNOSIS (not death), because sometimes you're alive, but you can't work.

Hi, I'm Amanda

After the sudden passing of my grandfather and learning my grandmother had nothing to fall back on - I quickly realized how important it was to create a secure plan for your loved ones.

I feel a massive pull I'm my heart to help you leave a lasting legacy so the ones you love the most can continue to build a bright future.

When I'm not serving my clients, you can find me outdoors! I love all things outdoors and adventure. You can say I'm a bit of an adrenaline junkie!

What affects the price of life insurance?

The biggest factors are:

  • Age: The younger you are, the less likely you are to die and the more affordable coverage is.
  • Sex: Guys are more expensive. Every. Single. Time.
  • Amount of Coverage: How big the payout is has a lot to do with how much you pay.
  • How long you're covered: The longer you're covered the more likely it is that they'll have to pay out and obviously the more expensive it is.
  • Tobacco Use: If you smoke, you pay more! Even quitting for a year can drastically lower your price. Some companies don't worry as much about chewing tobacco than smoking.


Besides those very basic things, there are other considerations:

  • Your personal health: The healthier you are, the more affordable it is.
  • Your family health history: If you've had parents or siblings with major health issues, that could ding you.
  • Your Life Choices: Yes, felonies, DUIs, Drug/Alcohol abuse, even speeding tickets can affect your eligibility and price.

What if I already have life insurance through my job?

Most people have some life insurance from work. But there are usually two important things to know about that policy:

  1. It's not enough coverage.
  2. It isn't OWNED by you! When you quit or switch careers, you loose your coverage.

Check out the box "How Much is Enough" for info on home much protection you sho

On the second topic- because YOUR WORK owns the policy, you're only covered while you work there. The minute you no longer work there - you no longer have life insurance.

Real Life Scenario: Guy gets diagnosed with cancer and has to quit his job to literally fight for his life. He loses the fight. He also had lost his life insurance.

Real Life Scenario 2: At 45 guy leaves his job to start his own business, he now needs life insurance and it's simply MUCH MORE expensive at 45 than it is at 30.

How much life insurance should I have?

This is simple to answer with another question:

How many years do you want your family to continue their current lifestyle before they have to consider what's next?

Let's say you make $75k/year, you provide the health benefits (which would have to be purchased if you died). You also fix some stuff around the house and maintain the lawn and cars (which would have to get hired out if you're not around.)

So, we'll say your total financial contribution to the family is about $90k/year.

A $450k life insurance policy would cover your family for 5 years. A $900k policy would cover them for 10 years.

This is your next step:

Take this 2 minute survey to get your insurance quote: